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| 11 and 12 September, 2006 | |
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| Faculdade de Ci�ncias e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa | |
| Monte de Caparica, Portugal | |
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|  | | contrapor2006 has been held under the auspices of FIT – Europe | | | |
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| [29AUG2006] View the Final Programme of contrapor2006. | | [14AUG2006] The contrapor2006 conference has been approved for ATA (American Translators Association) credits. Therefore, if an ATA-certified member attends the whole conference he or she may earn 10 CE points (the most you can earn for one event). � More info about ATA Continuing Education Points. | | [01AUG2006] The contrapor2006 conference will be held at the campus of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Building IV – Rooms 201 e 202)at Monte de Caparica � View the map of the campus. | | [18JUL2006] Donate a Book: Speakers and attendees of contrapor2006 are invited to bring one or two books from their country. The books will be displayed for everyone to see and, at the closing session of the conference, the entire exhibit will be given to a local School Library (Escola B�sica 2/3 do Monte de Caparica). � Read more (PDF). | | [14JUL2006] Programme Highlights: Round Table "Training Translators: For Whom and For What?" (PDF). Absolutely not to be missed! | | [13JUL2006] Programme Highlights: Round Table "Found in Translation: The Directors' Cut" (PDF). Absolutely not to be missed! | | [29JUN2006] View the Preliminary Programme of contrapor2006. | | | [29JUN2006] Staying in or coming from Lisbon? Here are the best transportation options to get to contrapor2006. | | [23JUN2006] Given the high number of presentations accepted for contrapor2006, the Conference will now span over 2 full days. Therefore, the conference fee will also include lunch on 12 September. | | [06JUN2006] Special fees for participant's spouses: Spouses (or other accompanying persons) are welcome at contrapor2006 for a special fee. They must, however, register by using the Spouses Form and will NOT receive the conference documentation. | | [05JUN2006] CV Bank: Update and polish your CV and bring it along with you to contrapor2006. At the CV Bank, your qualifications will be perused by your peers, potential employers or just snoopers, willing to admire your graphic skills. A great networking opportunity for those attending the contrapor2006 conference. | | [05JUN2006, Updated 12JUL2006] Look who's going to be here! Speakers whose papers have been accepted by the Programme Committee: | |  Brazil Ana Goulart Bustamante M�rcia Mathias Raquel Abi-S�mara
 Czech Republic Maria Jo�o Albuquerque
 China, People's Republic Shao Yi
 Finland Diana Berber
 Germany Tinka Reichmann
 Greece Olga Kanelli
 Iran Amir Mahdavi-Zafarghandi
 Italy Ant�nio Fournier Bruno Osimo
 Japan Robert De Silva
 Luxembourg Andrew Evans
 Poland Jerzy Brzozowski |  Portugal Ana Frankenberg Garcia Ana Hermida Ruibal Cec�lia Figueiredo Cl�udia Martins Cristina Pinh�o David Hardisty David John Cranmer Delfina Rodrigues Fernando Ferreira Alves Herm�nio Duarte-Ramos Isabel Chumbo Jo�o Brogueira Manuel C�lio Concei��o Manuel Moreira da Silva Maria Concei��o Bravo Maria Jo�o Goucha Raquel Silva Rodrigo Cristina Susana Valdez Teresa Alegre Vicky Hartnack Vivina Campos Figueiredo
 Spain Alexandra Branquinho Rebola Bel�n Rando Mar�a-Jos� Varela Salinas
 United Arab Emirates Abdul Sahib Mehdi Ali
 United Kingdom Iris Guske
 United States Cristiano Astolphi Mazzei Deolinda Ad�o | | | | | | | | | [22MAI2006] How do I get to my hotel at Costa da Caparica? And, how do I get to the contrapor2006 venue? It's all here. | | | | | | [17MAY2006] The Paper Instructions and Guidelines for the contrapor2006 proceedings are now available. | | | | | | [16MAI2006] The reception of abstracts is now closed; however, we are still accepting communications in specific topics. | | | | | | [16MAY2006] Student on a "student" budget"? The Almada Youth Hostel may well be a good solution for you not to miss contrapor2006! | | | | | | [15MAY2006] New e-mail address for conference registration and registration payment: | | |
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It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Portuguese Translation Conference � contrapor2006 � to be held in Lisbon (Monte de Caparica), Portugal, on 11 and 12 September 2006.
This event is organized by the ATeLP – Associa��o de Tradu��o em L�ngua Portuguesa in cooperation with the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and is being held under the auspices of FIT � Europe.
Translation sustains countries� development and progress and plays an increasingly influential role in today's world. In being called upon to counterpose human communication in all its different forms, it has long staked out its importance as a practice and a skill intersecting all branches of knowledge and professional experience.
Such characteristics are evident above all in specialised translation.
contrapor 2006 will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers, scholars, translators and clients purchasing translations to discuss the general theme: Specialised Translation: An Engine For Development. | | VIEW THE FINAL PROGRAMME (PDF) | | |
contrapor2006 Specialised Translation: An Engine For Development
Conference Topics
Translation Theory and Practice Science and Technology Social and Human Sciences Terminology and Communication Translation Tools Standardisation in the Language Industry Localisation and Internationalisation Translation Deontology | |
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| Important Dates | |
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| | | | 15 MAY | | Abstracts submission (CLOSED) | 05 JUN | | Notification of acceptance / rejection of abstracts | 09 JUL | | Submission of communications (2nd call for papers) | 17 JUL | | Final manuscripts submission deadline / Early payment | 11 � 12 SEP | | contrapor2006 | | | | | |
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| Venue and Working Languages | |
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|  | | The contrapor2006 conference will be held at the campus of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Building IV – Rooms 201 e 202)at Monte de Caparica, just a few kilometres south of Lisbon. The campus is well served by public transport. | | |
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|  How to get from the Lisbon Airport to Costa da Caparica (PDF) | |
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|  How to get from Lisbon to the Conference venue (PDF) | |
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|  Area Map (JPG) | |
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|  Map of the campus (PDF) (Edif�cio IV – Rooms 201 and 202) | |
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|  Internet Access | |
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| Campus Wi-Fi network (wireless 802.11 b/g), terms to be announced. | |
| We are arranging to have some Internet computers available for the | |
| conference participants. | |
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|  Working Languages: Portuguese and English. | |
| Simultaneous interpretation will NOT be provided. | |
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| Conference Fees | |
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Participants | Registration and payment BEFORE 17 JULY | Registration and payment AFTER 17 JULY (on site) | ATeLP Members & Speakers | € 80,00 | € 120,00 | Members of FIT-Affiliated Associations (*) | € 100,00 | € 140,00 | All other participants | € 120,00 | € 160,00 | Students (with Student ID card) (**) | € 40,00 | Participant's spouses (***) | € 45,00 | € 65,00 | |
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| Exchange rates (indicative): EUR 100,00 = USD 126.00 = GBP 69.00 = CHF 156,00 | |
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| INCLUDED IN THE CONFERENCE FEES: Attendance to all contrapor2006 conference sessions, conference documentation, coffee breaks and lunches (11 and 12 September) and participation in all social events. | |
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| (*) Is your association affiliated with FIT? Find out at http://www.fit-ift.org/ > Members | |
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| (**) Undergraduate students only. Graduate (master's and doctoral) students will pay ALL OTHERS fee, unless they're also members of a FIT-Affilitated Association. Participants registred as "Students" will be identified on their badge by their school (and not by any other institution they may be related to, or employed by). | |
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| (***) SPOUSES: Spouses' fee includes ONLY lunches and coffee breaks (11 and 12 September) and participation in all social events. NOTE: (1) Spouses must register by using the Spouses Form and (2) Spouses� fee will NOT include the conference documentation. | |
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| CANCELLATION POLICY: The ATeLP will confirm your Registration by e-mail after actual reception of the admission fees. All cancellations or refund requests must be made by e-mail to . Cancellations received until September 1st will be refunded less a � 30,00 processing fee. No Refunds will be given for cancellations received after September 1st or for No-Shows. Substitutes will be accepted at any time provided that the Organising Committee is advised of the change. | |
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| E-mail address for conference registration and registration payment: | |
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| Conference Programme | |
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| View the Final Programme | |
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| Conference Forms | |
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|  For Speakers and Other Participants | |
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|  Registration and Payment Form - PARTICIPANT (DOC) | |
|  Registration and Payment Form - PARTICIPANT (PDF) | |
|  Registration and Payment Form - SPOUSE (DOC) | |
|  Registration and Payment Form - SPOUSE (PDF) | |
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|  For Speakers Only | |
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|  Paper Instructions and Guidelines (DOC) | |
|  Paper Instructions and Guidelines (PDF) | |
|  Abstract Submission Form (DOC) | |
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|  For All Interested in contrapor2006 | |
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|  Conference Poster (PDF) | |
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| Local Information for Participants | |
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|  Costa da Caparica Information | |
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|  Costa da Caparica - Hotel Location Map (GIF) | |
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|  How to get from the Lisbon Airport to Costa da Caparica (PDF) | |
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|  How to get from Lisbon to the Conference venue (PDF) | |
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|  Hotel Maia | |   | | 2,5 km from the conference venue | | |
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|  Hotel Residencial Colibri | |   | | 2,5 km from the conference venue | | |
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|  Residencial Mar e Sol | |   | | 2,5 km from the conference venue | | |
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|  Almada Youth Hostel |  | Reservations | | |
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| As September is still within the tourist high season, YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED to make your reservations well in advance. | |
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|  | | Passport and Visas: A valid passport (or identity card for European Community nationals) is required. Visas are not necessary for citizens of European Union countries, the U.S.A., Canada and most major countries. Please contact your local Portuguese Embassy, Consulate or your Travel Agency for further information. | | | | | | | | NOTE: The contrapor2006 Organising Committee DOES NOT and WILL NOT issue any invitation letters to any prospective participants. All participants must register and pay the conference fees in advance by bank transfer. In addition, all participants must be able to travel to Portugal by their own means and the Organising Committee of contrapor2006 DOES NOT and WILL NOT offer any assistance in the procurement of travel documentation, namely visas. | | |
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| Media Information | |
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|  Conference Poster (PDF) | |
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|  contrapor2006 in the news (BabelPort) | |
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|  contrapor2006 in the news (inttranews) | |
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|  Conference logo (GIF, 933 x 411 pixels) | |
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| Weather Information | |
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| Honour Committee | |
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| Prof. Leopoldo Guimar�es Rector, Universidade Nova de Lisboa | | | Prof. Fernando Santana Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Technology Universidade Nova de Lisboa | | |
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| Programme Committee | |
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| Chair | Herm�nio Duarte-Ramos FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Monte de Caparica, Portugal | | | Members | Ana Frankenberg-Garcia Instituto Superior de L�nguas e Administra��o Lisbon, Portugal | | | | Anthony Pym Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain | | | | Carlos Castilho Pais Universidade Aberta Lisboa, Portugal | | | | Jos�lia Neves Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gest�o de Leiria Leiria, Portugal | | | | Oscar D�as Fouces Universidade de Vigo Vigo, Spain | | |
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| Organising Committee | |
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| Chair | Herm�nio Duarte-Ramos | | | Vice-Chair | Jo�o Roque Dias | | | Members | Christopher Auretta | | Isabel Coutinho Monteiro | | Lu�sa Yokochi | | Virg�nia Matos | | | Information | | | | Registration | | | |
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