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dear visitor:

Owing to the nature of our Association, the Web site is in Portuguese. However, we would like to give our English-language visitors the chance, albeit very briefly here, to get to know something about the ATeLP, its vision and its goals in the world of Portuguese translation.

Thank you for visiting us and feel free to write to us in English at the following e-mail address:

Who We Are
The ATeLP – Associa��o de Tradu��o em L�ngua Portuguesa is a non-profit making private association which was founded on 8 July 2005 by a group of people working in different fields of translation.
The ATeLP is a cultural and scientific association which has the aim of cultivating, developing, promoting and disseminating information about the practice, study, teaching-learning, research and application of general translation and, more particularly, of specialized translation from and into the Portuguese language.
The ATeLP is open to all those interested in translation, whether they are researchers, translators, teachers, students, customers or translation teachers/consultants, or specialists working in any other field of knowledge.
The ATeLP encourages constant dialogue and reflection.
Welcome to our Web site.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ATeLP?

The ATeLP is a private, independent association where researchers, translators, teachers, language specialists, students, customers and translation users, translation teachers/consultants and anyone who is interested in Portuguese Translation may encounter a space for discussion and reflection. It is a space where people may learn more about the different kinds of translation and its rapid growth all over the world.

How is this discussion and reflection carried out?

In agreement with its cultural vocation and regulations, the ATeLP intends undertaking activity in order to disseminate, clarify and provide information about translation as well make the resources for carrying out and studying translation available. In compliance with its scientific vocation, the ATeLP plans to undertake research work and disseminate outcomes, edit publications, hold training courses, etc.

I'm a teacher and often use foreign-language materials, translating them so as to disseminate specific knowledge. Can I join the ATeLP?

Yes, of course. The ATeLP is an association which is open to anyone who is interested in translation. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I'm a translator and I'm a member of a professional association (in Portugal or abroad). Can I become a member of the ATeLP?

Yes, you can. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

Does the ATeLP also accept interpreters as members?

Yes. You are welcome if one of your working languages is Portuguese. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I'm a translator and one of my working languages is Portuguese although I don't live in Portugal. Can I join the ATeLP?

Yes, of course. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I'm a student taking a translation course. Are there any advantages in my joining the ATeLP

There certainly are. The ATeLP wants to get everyone who is interested in Portuguese Translation together and open a space propitious for discussion and reflection. This space will allow people to learn more about the various fields of translation and its rapid growth all over the world. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I do specialized translation work for my job but I'm not a professional translator. Can I join the ATeLP?

Yes, of course. The ATeLP is an association which is interested in translation practice and the knowledge gained by translating. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

My company consistently resorts to specialized translation services. What can the ATeLP offer me in this respect?

The ATeLP offers a space for discussion and debate about translation, translators and even language-market trends. If your company regularly uses translation services you are sure to have points of view that could be of interest to everyone. And the ATeLP is likely to have useful information to share with you. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I'm a translator and understand Portuguese reasonably well but my working languages do not include Portuguese. Can I join the ATeLP?

We suggest you reconsider your wish to become a member of the ATeLP. Have you thought about joining another professional or scientific association which is better suited to the kinds of languages you are working with? Nevertheless, if you think that by joining the ATeLP you have something to offer not only yourself but the other members too, then we will be pleased to have you. Read the ATeLP regulations carefully and fill in the membership form (PDF).

I recently did a very interesting piece of translation in most unusual conditions and I'd like to speak about my experience. When will the ATeLP be organizing a conference where I may present a paper?

First, you need to give the ATeLP Board of Directors an account of the paper you would like to present. The ATeLP does not have a ready-made "catalogue" of conferences, but there is always room for good ideas and for anyone willing to work.

Is the ATeLP a Professional association?

No, the ATeLP is not a professional association.

Does the ATeLP provide translation services?

No, the ATeLP is not a business company selling either translation services or any other service to do with languages.

Is the ATeLP a higher-educational institution?

No, the ATeLP is not an educational institution (either higher education or any other).

I have (an)other question(s) I'd like to ask. How can I get in touch with the ATeLP?

Please contact us at our e-mail address: .

Translated by

Vicky Hartnack

Lisbon, Portugal




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© ATeLP – Associa��o de Tradu��o em L�ngua Portuguesa, 2005-

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