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| Tradu��o :: Translation | |
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| | Abordagens Alternativas para a Forma��o de Tradutores | |
| | Prof. Don Kiraly (Johannes Gutenberg-Universit�t Mainz, Germany) | |
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| | Este s�tio constitui um f�rum de discuss�o de ideias e � o resultado de um trabalho conjunto de inova��o no �mbito da forma��o de tradutores. Foi iniciado durante o primeiro semestre do ano lectivo 1999/2000, durante um semin�rio de Tradu��o organizado pelo Instituto de Estudos Angl�sticos, Americanos e Angl�fonos da Escola de Lingu�stica Aplicada e Estudos Culturais da Universidade Johannes Gutenberg Mainz, em Germersheim, na Alemanha. A p�gina voltou a ser trabalhada e expandida durante um outro semin�rio de Tradu��o, desta feita em 2002/2003. | |
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| | American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series | |
| | ISSN: 0890-4111 | |
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| | The ATA Scholarly Monograph Series is edited by Marilyn Gaddis Rose, under the auspices of the American Translators Association. This series is not limited to work from the U.S. but from the outset has been distinguished for its international scope. | |
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| | Translation Studies Bibliography | |
| | John Benjamins Online | |
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| | Translation and Interpreting (T&I) Studies comprises the young discipline dealing with transfer and mediation, containing aspects of intra- and interlingual translation, intercultural communication, adaptation, interpreting, localization, multimedia translation, language mediation, terminology and documentation. Acesso mediante subscri��o. | |
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| | Benjamins Translation Library | |
| | ISSN: 0929-7316 | |
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| | The BTL is edited Yves Gambier, University of Turku and aims to stimulate research and training in translation and interpreting studies. The Library provides a forum for a variety of approaches (which may sometimes be conflicting) in a socio-cultural, historical, theoretical, applied and pedagogical context. The Library includes scholarly works, reference books, post-graduate text books and readers in the English language. | |
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| | Corso di Traduzione (logos.it) | |
| | Prof. Bruno Osimo | |
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| | La Logos offre a chi frequenta il suo sito la possibilit� di seguire un corso telematico introduttivo alla traduzione. Per questo mi ha chiesto di progettare e preparare una struttura di unit� didattiche che, man mano, vengono messe a disposizione del pubblico in un primo tempo in italiano e in inglese, e via via in varie altre lingue. Il corso si rivolge principalmente a chi ha studiato o sta studiando lingue a scuola e/o all'universit� ma non ha segu�to corsi specifici di traduzione. | |
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| | Este curso est� tamb�m dispon�vel em Portugu�s Brasileiro e em outras l�nguas. | |
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| | Translation Bibliography | |
| | translatum.gr (The Greek Translation Vortal) | |
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| | Excelente informa��o. Organizada por l�nguas de trabalho. | |
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| | Project Gutenberg | |
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| | Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet. The collection was produced by hundreds of volunteers. 17,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. 2 million ebooks downloaded each month. | |
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| | ibiblio | |
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| | The public's library and digital archive. | |
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| Interpreta��o :: Interpreting | |
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| | Bibliography on the Profession of Interpretation | |
| | by Heltan Y.W. Ngan, Ph.D. (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) | |
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| | Publicado no Translation Journal, Vol. 8, N.� 2 (Abril de 2004). | |
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| | Bibliography on Interpretation | |
| | AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) | |
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| | Extensa informa��o sobre a profiss�o de int�rprete. Dispon�vel em linha e em formato Word. | |
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| | Interpreting Bibliography | |
| | Wake Forest University, Romance Languages Department | |
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| | Colect�nea de artigos e publica��es sobre interpreta��o, especialmente na �rea de interpreta��o em servi�os p�blicos. | |
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